The Craze of Tokyo Game Show 2016

Tanner Person 360 Video, Japan Leave a Comment

The future, VR, games…
and cosplay

Dear Reader,

The Tokyo Game Show was an all out frenzy, with people scrambling to try out the latest games as far as the eye can see. And when people weren’t lining up for a game they were buying merch, dressing up in cosplay or admiring the cosplayers. I had never been to a game show before, so my mind was blown to say the least.

The biggest attraction for me was the Future of Entertainment section where KMD’s Real Project, Embodied Media, was demoing their newest technology. This is the lab I have been looking forward to joining ever since I heard of KMD. For the first time I got to try out the new Synesthesia Suit with two different experiences. This suit covers your entire body with small haptic vibrators that simulate pulsing sensations. In the upcoming PS4 and PSVR release, Rez Infinite, the suit pulsed to the beat of the music and as I blasted my way through the waves of enemies all around me. I can’t wait to try it again! I also got to experience a psychedelic and surreal journey through space, time, and color made by KMD researcher Ben Outram. I’ll be working with him over the year, and I look forward to learning how to create such immersive VR demos.

I took out my Gear 360 to make my first 360 video that I linked above. If you get the chance check it out with your mobile phone or better yet with a VR device! Expect to see more of these windows into another world as time goes on.

Your friend,

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