A letter to you
Dear Reader,
This blog is for you and for me. I wanted to give myself some space to formulate my thoughts and experiences and share them with anyone who finds their way here. It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything extensive. I’m looking to create something concrete that stands to show where I was and what I was thinking in those specific slivers of time. I may not have anything that touches you in some significant way, and if that’s the case I’m sure you’ll find other spots on the web to explore. I just hope you find something that really impacts you.
However, if something of mine does strike you, then please, come take a load off, relax and stay a while. Maybe there’s something perfect here for you. Maybe something of mine will contribute to your life in some meaningful way. That’s my hope at least. I am here to help in any way I can, and that includes helping myself. Let’s embark on this journey into the unknown together. You’re always welcome to join me on my adventures.
I’m yearning for connection. Connection with you. Connection with myself. Connection with the expansive world around me. I never seem to get enough of this place! Inside each one of us is a whole universe of depth. We’re lucky if we ever get to scratch beyond the surface of those waters with more than a handful of people. But I don’t want to be limited to those numbers. I want to understand so far beyond my own stereoscopic lens.
What do you see? I am certain it’s extremely different than mine if we dig deep enough. We might not even have to go that far. What is the driving force that keeps you going in life? If it’s food then you’re a whole lot more into food than I am. Don’t get me wrong I love food. I’m hoping to share a lot of my food experiences on this blog! But I don’t dream of the food I’m going to eat and make every day. No, honestly my dreams are foggy. I see the near foreground, but beyond that a heavy veil shrouds everything else.
I’ve got a pervasive urge to create a huge lasting impact on this world we share, and the only map I’m working with right now is a feeling that I’m going in the right direction. That’s at least something right? I have no idea where my actions will take me at the moment. I’m not sure anyone ever truly knows, but sometimes I feel a twinge of envy (perhaps a lustful longing is a more apt phrase) towards those who know exactly what they want to do with their lives. The ones who already know their purpose.
Because guess what? I want to know my purpose. Then, I am sure I would feel more confident about the road ahead of me. It’s like walking endlessly down a dark tunnel (think a Pokémon cave without Flash) without knowing where you’re going. You’re really just hoping you make it out on the other end ok. And then, there’s a light, and you finally know where you need to go. So you make a beeline straight for it, and there you are! Out of the darkness and into the light. Congrats you made it!
It’s all so much simpler with that light guiding your path, isn’t it? But alas, I do not have that light helping me. And maybe it’s my fate in life to never see the future so clearly. Or, maybe I will see it one day. What I’m learning to accept is that seeing the future isn’t what’s important. Rather, being right here in the present moment experiencing what is full and tangible and real, that’s what matters. While I’m busy worrying that I’m not making the right decisions or feeling anxious that maybe, just maybe, this whole technological journey I’m taking isn’t the right path, while I’m doing that the world is passing by me.
When I take a second to breathe and come back, back out of my head, those fears fade away. I remember that, actually, I can always change my course if I want to. I always have a choice. All of these experiences I’m having will add up to make me an even better, wiser, and competent person tomorrow. I’ll make it out of that tunnel one way or another, because life only ever has one direction: forward. We all know it will end one day. It’s the only thing I’m certain of about my future.
So, what do you say? Will you come along on this adventure with me? Company sounds nice.
Your friend,
P.S. To all the transhumanists (or anyone for that matter) who believe we will overcome death, let’s have a go at those arguments. I’m open. I’m definitely not opposed to being wrong!